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2022 Seniors Online Qualifier: April 14-20

Seniors Online Qualifier


Seniors Online qualifier is an online event to select athletes who will compete at the Canadian Championship in Alberta in June. In this qualifier, the athletes complete the required tests and submit the scores by the designated due date. Videotaping of the performance is required, and use of a Technical Official is highly recommended.

The individual medley includes all of the 6 tests (Endurance, Strength, Power, Mixed, Skill, and Bodyweight).

Qualifying Spots

Top 4 male and female from each Provincial Organization (BC, ON, and QC) will advance to the Canadian Championship. 8 other spots will be given to the athletes from other areas in Canada via CFFF. Total of 20 male and 20 female will compete in the Canadian Championship.


In this online qualifier, using a Technical Official is highly recommended, but not required.

Technical Official training is available via CFFF website, and they must register with CFFF.

All athlete’s performance must be videotaped and submitted for a review. Before submitting the videos and scores, athletes must review the recording and make sure the movement standards are met and that the scores are accurate. No reps can result in a major penalty and score adjustment.

Both athletes and Technical Officials must familiarize themselves to the official Rulebook, and the Movement Standards and must agree to the iF3’s Anti Doping Policies.

Competition Schedule

Registration Open : Tuesday March 1st. 2022

Tests Release : Thursday April 14th, 2022

Scores due : Wednesday April 20th, 2022


All athletes residing in British Columbia will register via BCFFSA’s registration site.

Athletes who live in Ontario and Quebec will register via their respective PSOs.

Athletes who live in other areas of Canada will register via CFFF.

Athletes are required to purchase 2022 Competitor Membership.

Upon registration, the athlete will receive a password to access the Competition Corner event page to create their event profile. This is where Tests details, score sheets, and floor plans etc are available and where athletes submit their scores and video links.

If you are an athlete who lives in an area other than Ontario, please visit CFFF website to register with an appropriate organization.

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